Dashboard Reporting

Real-time data and insights on your SpellCRM Dashboard to make informed business decisions.

Secured Transactions

Advanced measures and compliances to secure networks, Applications, Accounts etc.

Report & Analytics

Tracking the Users Data, Reports Of Transactions Service Records. Real time analyzing.


360 Degree view of Entire customer relationship and interaction with company

Prospect Management

Manage prospects to ensure that everyone has the most up-to-date information at all times with CRM


End to End CRM,Account Management , Processing Status Transaction details.

Fraud & Risk Prevention

Pre-screening of transaction with advanced functionalties to process legitmate transactions.

Best In Industry Support

24x7 available email, phone and chat based support to help you in your every step.

Highly Advanced Security

Completely PCI compliant solution. You must meet the requirements outlined by the PCI Security.

Success Rates Monitoring

keep track of success rates, payment gateway performance through dedicated reports.

Recurring Billing Option

Bill customers, charge cards and process payments securely on a scheduled, automatic basis.

Responsive webdesign

User friendly Design of CRM Compatible with smartphones, tablets, laptop etc.


CRM integration for your website is good for your business. It means less time spent manually entering customer details into your CRM System from multiple inlets and more leads generated than ever before. Other benefits:
  • Customer churn is kept to a minimum
  • Better-quality leads
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Increased productivity
  • Reliable and consistent information
  • Improved response time to enquiries
  • One master record (no duplicate data)
  • Improved revenue tracking
  • Shortened sales cycle
  • Better-informed customers
  • Better visibility of customer behaviour

SpellCRM the app, challenge your teammates

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How We can help?

SpellCRM.com is trusted Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Integration and Consulting firm in direct response marketing industry. If you're considering CRM, or just want more information, we're happy to answer all your questions and get you set up. Simply fill out the form, or for immediate assistance, email us at info@spellcrm.com.

Beautiful Design and
Comfortable User Interface

Accelerate you marketing, sales and service with SpellCRM System online

CRM, Project Management & Invoicing In One simple System. Want to Get Started Right Away? Try SpellCRM 30 days for Free Trial.
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